Hello again
I’ve never been the best at keeping up with blogs, which does explain dipping for about 7 months. I’ve started writing posts, but I’ve never managed to complete them in one go and by then usually my interest in the subject is gone.
Actually quite a bit has happened for me project-wise, I had started on a project called B2 (Brain2) for documenting knowledge. But it turns out it’s quite difficult to just dump everything out without thinking about it too much. I have however started working on Tibby for which I’ve learnt quite a bit about Go as a whole, and how to implement translation APIs. So Tibby currently is mostly a “Translate stuff to English”-machine, but that’s useful and good.
Tibby, as in the character in my head which is based on a Tibetan Fox, has also inspired me to dabble in game design. Well I say dabble, I haven’t actually done anything yet apart from some world building and I have purchased a pixel art tool (are you proud of me yet?).
I’ve decided I want to make it with Godot for no other reason than it being hot and happening after the whole Unity licensing kerfuffle. And there seems to plenty of courses out there so getting started shouldn’t be too bad. To spice it up I also want to produce the music by mashing away on a midi controller in some DAW.
I do find that working on projects comes easier to me when I can switch up the tasks I’m working on. Maybe that’s why I like my current job so much, you have to mess around with a lot of interconnected systems to get something done. If I do continue working on the game I do expect to be writing about it on this here blog and I definitely have to lay down some groundwork first.
As for the Tibby Discord bot, that kinda comes in waves, I have finally figured out how I want to handle interaction responses. I also want to implement Redis as a persistent storage as my requirements are pretty simple, and I really don’t want to implement a relational database… After that the next big step is implementing machine vision so Tibby can translate text on images, I think that would be neat.
Failed ventures
During my time of silence I had also started working on DutchGuide, which was supposed to be an all encompassing platform for information about living in The Netherlands. While doing research for that site I noticed that the information on official sites is often cryptic or incomplete. Turns out it’s pretty difficult to simplify something you don’t quite understand yourself.
Such a shame, I even had a logo and everything…
With B2 I focussed too much on the form and not enough on what I could actually put into it. I still keep a personal knowledge base in the form a Bookstack install on my homelab machine.
Speaking of the homelab, I’ve now migrated everything to a public domain but still with an internal DNS zone. This makes getting certificates that are actually valid a possibility. More about those developments at a later date.
Either way, that’s enough yapping for one night. Bye now.